Over the weekend I began the process of designing and assembling the kids valentine cards. From past experience, I've realized it's never too early to start. The last thing you want to find yourself doing is constructing 50+ valentine cards in the wee hours of the night while watching reality TV. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again.
This year I decided to go with a Lego theme since that's my son's current obsession. The Lego guys are supposed to be a
minifigure version of my son.

My design was inspired by the
MUJI Lego kits. I always loved the concept of combining
Legos and paper. It's only now that I got a chance to play with the combination. To make the paper
minifigures stand, they are wedged between two Lego blocks. I purchased the blocks at the Lego store where you can pick and choose which blocks you want. If anyone is curious, I purchased the small container which you can fill for $7.99. Sixty red blocks filled up half the container which allowed us to get some fun extras to play with.
Sorry guys, I will not be sharing a template for this project. But if you wanted to make something similar, I think it might be fun to use an actual photo. Another idea would be to place a standard valentine card between the blocks.
So wonderful! Di you actually have one of those amazing Muji Lego punch things? Such a funny tool.
(And just for the record, I think it's totally cool that you don't share a template for it. I'm just happy you let us take a peek.)
Thanks for all you do!
I love this idea - it is very special. I also especially love it because I am always looking for Valentine's ideas that don't include candy.
What a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion!
LOVE it! Might have to do this one. A very simple way to make a custom and printable lego mini figure is at this site:
I used it years ago to make lego bday party invitations.
Well done and totally adorable! My son is currently obsessed with lego too!
I don't have one of the Muji punches, wish I did. I have a 1/8" punch which is a little small. I think 1/6" might be perfect but I couldn't find one at the craft store.
Thanks for the link, I will definitely check it out. I'm sure others will find it useful as well.
You're welcome. My boys were around when I was checking to see if the site was still there and then they begged to play on it making different minifigures...mostly batman and darth vader, and spent a good 30 mins playing. :) I'll be using it again this summer for the Lego star wars party my 6 yr old wants.
Awesome - I bet the kids can't wait to get their valentines and see a piece of cardboard instead of a real minifigure! So close - yet so far away . . . *fart*
Why isn't there a template? I would love to use it.
This specific template was personalized for my son so I wanted to keep it just for us.
If all goes well, I'll be sharing some Valentine projects in the near future that anyone can do/use.
hi, just curious..how would I combine candy with this? any ideas?
thank you for the idea, it would be cute also with a photo of my boys I think, maybe next year, we are doing your superhero blowpops this year. Awesome!
How about attaching the lego block to a box of nerds? You could use removable glue dots.
Keep up the good work. Best of luck. From www.rakhitousa.in
cute, love the blue and red combination for Valentines.
Lego was my obsession when I was a kid too. And even when my brother was going through the Lego phase as a kid, I couldn't resist playing with him although I was already in high school!
Love the lego design. When my son was a bit younger he would have loved these!!!! I agree with start date! I printed and we cut and made some of the guitar ones you had given away (last year?) This past weekend. Waiting for more ink arrive to finish some more. Thanks for giving us great ideas!!
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