Sunday, January 1, 2012

Trying New Things

Every year our family gathers together for a traditional Japanese New Year's Day meal. Usually my husband's grandmother prepares the food but this year we all contributed. I volunteered to make the Ozoni soup. It was my first attempt at making the dish. I think it came out pretty good and everyone seemed to like it.

If anyone is interested, I used the recipe from this YouTube video: How to Make Ozoni Soup.

Don't laugh, I also tried a new hair-do for 2012, the Messy Bun. I'm officially declaring 2012 the year of the messy bun (for me that is, you can have any hair-do you want). I've decided this is going to replace that sad pony tale I've been rocking all these years.

Front view of messy bun.

Those are my diva sunglasses by the way. They're ridiculously huge but I wear them anyway.

Have any plans for trying/learning something new in 2012? It doesn't have to be anything big; it could just be a recipe or a hair-do.


  1. The soup looks amazing! I love the messy bun on you - yay for fun little changes that make us feel good and cost nada!

  2. happy new year
    visiting from Turkey
    lovely 2012

  3. The soup looks both delicious and pretty! ♥

  4. yahoooo for Ozoni:) We went to my Mom's yesterday and totally filled up on good food:)

    Love the messy do you secure it?

  5. So cute with the messy bun!! I am a ponytail girl myself, but might try the bun. Generally I wear my hair down (least on day 1 and mostly on day 2 of washing hair--I don't wash everyday due to dry hair) as my hubby prefers it that way. Many times I'll wear it back in a scrunchie *gasp* at home then pull it out when hubby comes home or I go out. lol One thing I really really am considering is afraid I can't pull it off. Never had real bangs since a child.

  6. love the messy bun. it almost makes me want to try a new thing....long hair! try as I might I always revert to a crop (although just now i am rocking an undercut which felt *way* to 'fashion' when I got it but I now LOVE).

    haven't been longer than my shoulders in about 15 years...maybe i oughta try again some time....

  7. The soup looks amazing! I like the messy bun

  8. The soup looks wonderful. Any chance of a recipe being posted soon?

  9. You look fantastic! That hairstyle suits you, I should take a clue from you and change myself up, too. Been feeling like I need that lately.

    Happy new year!

  10. I like your sunglasses, you look like a mod version of Audrey Hepburn! Happy new year, I think it is always fun to try a new look!

  11. You asked what our new thing for this year would be...

    Well, we didn't know it until just recently, but our new thing this year is to learn about everything that has gluten in it (and avoid it). My 7 year old was just diagnosed with gluten issues.

    The bun looks cute, by the way!

  12. Wow your husbands grandma must be very healthy to be able to cook such a meal at her age..!

  13. Love that messy bun (and the soup looks yummy).

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  14. The Soup looks yummy.
    Happy New Year

  15. Rock on with the new 'do! And those sunglasses are a must :)

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Amy,

    I just use a basic hair elastic to secure it. Here's the tutorial I used if you're interested:

  18. pollyw,

    Sorry to hear your son is suffering from gluten issues. Have you looked online for recipes yet? I feel like I'm always coming across amazing gluten free recipes.

  19. Rvaya,

    Here's a link to the recipe (it's a video)

  20. You look fab with your hair like that! :D

  21. Happy New Year Jessica! The soup looks yummy and you look lovely with the new hair!

    I'm trying to be more organized this year. Last month I started cleaning out the kitchen and arrange the items so I know what I have, the trinket cabinet looked tidier with new boxes to house some rock/shell collections. I hope to continue this trend for the rest of the home, not sure how I'll do, wish me luck!
