Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book Review: Knits for Nerds

Knits for Nerds by Joan of Dark (a.k.a. Toni Carr)

Once in awhile a craft book will come my way that I feel compelled to share. Recently I was sent a review copy of Knits for Nerds which reminded me of my inner geek. I think I've mentioned this before, I'm a big fan of science fiction and fantasy ( books and films). Many of my weekends as a teenager were spent hanging out at my Grandmother's house with my uncles. My days included playing Gauntlet on the commodore 64, and watching movies such as Batman, Willow, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. Once I even memorized the entire Batman movie word for word. Now you know.

Knits for Nerds contains 30 knitting projects for fans of Science Fiction, Comic Books, and Fantasy. The book also includes a techniques section with pictures. Even though there are one or two "easy" patterns is this book, I would recommend it for intermediate to advanced knitters.

Below are few pictures of my favorite projects from the book.

Baby Elf Beanie

Star Trek inspired dresses

Cyborg inspired from the Dr. Who Cybermen (cuter version)


  1. This makes me want to learn to knit.... wish it came in crochet.

  2. I'm sitting here watching Star Trek reruns while knitting a shawl. I think I'm the perfect candidate for this book :).

  3. The book sounds like fun!

    What's more fun, though, is that you memorized a whole Batman movie!!!! Whaaaaaaat? That is hilarious!

  4. I laughed out loud when I saw this! It's just the stuff I need!

  5. I ordered it just for the Aim to Misbehave sweater & Cunning Scarf...

  6. There are some stitch count issues with the cyborg's leg...
