Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unique Easter Basket Gift Ideas

This year I got a little more creative with the Easter basket gifts and strayed away from the traditional jelly beans and chocolate Easter bunny. I thought I would share a few of my ideas with you and maybe bring a little inspiration your way.

For the girl:

Hair Bows - Not the most creative item in the basket but I know they'll get put to use. If you have the time, I suggest making some hair accessories yourself. Here's a cute tutorial for some hair bobbles by The Silly Pearl.

Unique stickers - I found these bunny stickers (pictured above) at the Kinokuniya bookstore. I liked that they were bunnies but not Easter themed. If you don't have a Kinokuniya close by, try a Sanrio store. They always have the cutest girly stickers.

For the boy:

Nanoblocks - My son loves Legos so I thought I would try out these nanoblocks. They're similar to Legos except they're micro sized. The smallest piece is only 4mm x 4mm x 5mm. I purchased these at the Kinokuniya bookstore but you can also find them at

All City Breakers - I found these toys a while back and have been waiting for a good excuse to buy them. My son likes music and dancing so I think he will be excited about the plastic break dancers. And if not, they can find a home on my desk. I purchased the breakers at but I think the sale is over now. They're also available at and They come in pink and orange too.

For both:

Micro Terrarium - I thought these would be fun to grow. Plus, what child doesn't like a Venus Fly Trap? I found this micro terrarium at the Michaels craft store.

Meiji Candy - These candies are a nice alternative to the traditional jelly bean. We've had the strawberry/milk chocolate version before but never this flavor. I picked these up at the Mitsuwa grocery store. When my children were smaller I didn't even buy them candy for Easter. Instead they would get sweet cereal such as Fruit Loops.

Now that I've shared what I'm adding to our baskets, I'm curious to hear what you like? Do you buy traditional Easter baskets? Do you do something different instead of Easter baskets? Special traditions? Please share.


  1. Not as creative, but I did a book, a small toy (boys--star wars, girls Lalaloopsy) and a video along with a chocolate rabbit and some jelly beans. :)

  2. Deanna,

    I like the book idea. Books are always make great gifts.

  3. Jessica, thanks so much for mentioning my hair bobbles! They're one of my all-time favorite projects!
    These are great non-candy ideas. We also include books and toys (but we do include some candy...can't resist)!

  4. We have done books, art supplies like watercolors or markers, bubbles, a special toothbrush, sunglasses, and plants to put in the garden... I have put Annie's bunny crackers, small hair barrettes or special pony tail holders , and stickers in the plastic eggs that we hide. This year I have some new sand shovels and gardening tools.

  5. I picked up dark chocolate easter bunnies from Sees and then I hit up Daiso. I picked up cute notebooks for each child (there's 3 of them) and colored pens and they each get a chocolate Yan Yan stick dipping cup. Wee girl gets a 'my little pony' and the boys each get the white Ninjago.

  6. Mary,

    My kids love the Yan Yan dipping cups. They always request those when we go to Daiso.

  7. Those dancing figures are great...I can see my boys trying to copy every one of them. Thanks for sharing the links.

  8. I must find those microblocks! And the break dancers are so cool. I sent my nephews a giant egg each, filled with edible Easter grass and tiny cars and airplanes.
