Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One Cute Cookie

Today I want to share a little trick I use with cupcake liners to make my cookies look cute.  I don't know if anyone else does this.  I can't recall seeing this before.  Although, who knows, maybe there are hundreds of posts out there about it. But just in case, I thought I would share.

One of my favorite ways to display cookies is with cupcake liners.  I like that it makes them all uniform, perfect for a dessert table.  Plus, when someone goes to grab a cookie, they don't touch the rest of them. With little hands, that can be a very very good thing.

To wrap up a cookie, fold a cupcake liner in half.  Place cookie in center.  Fold left and right flaps back.  Super 
I made the cookies pictured above for a school fundraiser.  I know more and more schools are not allowing home baked goods for school events. I understand why but it seems such a shame.  I remember when I was in elementary school and there would be a cupcake fundraiser.  All the cupcakes would be displayed on a cart and rolled into each classroom. One would get to choose which cupcake they wanted.  I always liked the cupcakes with the fancy toppings (a.k.a candy). 

Curious, does your school allow home baked goods?


  1. itsAustLovely idea, thanks. I may very well use that!

    Our school (we're in Norway) allows home baked cakes, yes. But the food and health authorities have rules for what kind of cake/cookie you are allowed to sell from a non professional kitchen. I.e. no whipped cream that can go bad on a hot day etc.

  2. I have never seen a cupcake wrapped cookie before. I love it!

    Our school does allow homemade items for sale and even for birthday treats. however, it's getting a little trickier now with the heightened awareness of food allergies.

  3. Too cute! Love this idea! They would look cute in a small cellophane for favors too.

    Our school, doens't have a rule about homemade goodies, but they do have 'healthy snack guidelines'. You aren't really supposed to send cupcakes and the like for bdays, but strangely prepkg rice krispie treats are on the approved list (due to low fat content), so I cheat a little and send homemade rice krispie treats (with plenty of marshmallow and sprinkles).

  4. great idea. I could use different color of cupcake liner for different occation. For examples, red cupcake liners for Chinese New Year, green for Christmas, etc.
