Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Book Review: Make Magic! Do Good!

Make Magic! Do Good by Dallas Clayton

It seems everywhere I look, I'm always reading glowing reviews of Dallas Clayton's books.  So when I was offered a copy of his newest book Make Magic! Do Good! , I couldn't pass up the opportunity.  I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  

First a little about the author, Dallas Clayton writes and illustrates kids' books.  He is the author of An Awesome Book of Thanks!, An Awesome Book!, and An Awesome Book of Love!.  His books always have a positive message to encourage kids.  When Dallas isn't writing, he likes to travel the world to share his stories with others.

MAKE MAGIC! DO GOOD!. Copyright © 2012 by Dallas Clayton. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA. (click on image to see a sample poem)

Make Magic! Do Good! is a collection of 49 poems.  The poems are written to encourage children to make their own magic and follow their dreams.  The poems are short in length (no longer than two pages) and easy to read.  Each poem has a fun illustration to accompany it.

I've already read about half the book to my daughter.  She would tell you that she liked the longer poems best.  The book is for all ages but I personally think it's ideal for children nine and under.  Of course, this always depends on the person.  I could see an adult encouraged by the poems as well.  One of the things I enjoyed about Make Magic! Do Good! is Dallas's whimsical illustrations.  Below are a couple of my favorites. 

 Want to learn more about Dallas Clayton and his books?  Stop by his site, click here.


  1. This is a new author to me. I'll have to check him out.

  2. Ehm... Am i missing something? How exactly does the sample poem promote "own magic" and "following dreams"?!
