Saturday, May 24, 2008

Japanese Craft Books - A dose of inspiration


I was out in the city today and got a chance to visit one of my favorite bookstores, Kinokuniya Book Stores. This is where I get my Japanese Craft book fix. Usually I just admire the books and absorb as much information as I can. But today I actually purchased a book. Something about the "Zakka" style just inspires me. The craft's are so clean and fresh. The books themselves have exquisite layouts and photographs. All the components to make a perfect craft book. Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!


  1. I would be sold on those photographs, too!

  2. I love Japanese craft books. In fact I have my eye on one for bags as week speak. Shall I treat myself?

  3. great choice of zakka book, I love gazing at them in Kinkokuniya as well!

    I always want to buy the expensive zakka cookbooks, but rarely do.

    The photos are so good, it makes them worth every penny!

  4. indigo blue - I don't think I would ever say no to that question

  5. hi! i live in japan - and i picked up that magazine/book last month! isn't it great? i made a couple of those tissue holders (the one w/the leaf) in different colors - it's an adorable pattern! and they make great gifts for co-workers =)

    i love your blog cause a lot of the posts are about japan and crafting! keep it up

  6. motownjunkie

    that was one of the patterns I loved in the book! I still haven't had a chance to make it, one day.

    Thanks for all your kind words


  7. I have to tell you that you shop at all the places my Grandmother used to take me when I was a very little girl! My Grandmother was half Japanese and would take me and my Mother to Japantown often for sushi and shopping. Brings back great memories.
