Friday, May 16, 2008

Too Cute Tutu

The other day I found a great tutorial for how to make a tutu. This is a no sew project and relatively easy to do. I'm happy with the results but next time I'll make it fuller. For directions to make the tutu, click here. The only thing I did different from the directions is weave a ribbon in and out of the tulle knots. I think the ribbon makes it look more finished.

I'm thinking of making this for a 5 year old girl for a birthday. Do you gals/guys think it would make a good gift? Does it look nice enough or does it look like a cheap gift? I need an outside opinion on this one. Thanks.


  1. Anna and I will be making one of these this weekend. darling.

    BTW, Anna is 4 1/2 and would LOVE a tutu. LOVE a tutu.

  2. I have made these for my daughters and the LOVE it. They love love love them. I would totally give it as a gift.

  3. It looks lovely, especially with the ribbon. Perhaps you could add a ribbon bracelet with a small charm, or a simple beaded necklace or a little tiara to make a little set for the gift.

  4. I love the tutu.. It looks so cute on little girls..I think adding sequins will make look even cuter..But it looks great even the way it is !

  5. I think if you make it a bit fuller like you mentioned, it would be a nice gift. Maybe add in a wand with ribbons? When my daughter was 4, she had a fairie birthday party and I made 6 little tuile skirts. Mine were just tuile folded in half, sewn up the sides, filled with fake flower petals, then gathered and ribbon added for the waistband & ties. They loved it. I really like your extra touch with the ribbon being woven throughout the top.

  6. Too funny – I was just getting ready to post about another one of these I had seen, so I'm adding your post as well.

    My girls are littler, but I know they'd love them!

  7. I don't really know any 5 yo girl that wouldn't love to wear one of these 24 hours a day!
    It is so cute!

  8. Beautiful Tutu.
    Kind regards,

    Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
    from the Netherlands

  9. I think I'm going to make one for me! You think anyone will look at me funny if I wear one to the market?

  10. everyone,

    thanks for answering my question and giving me a lot of good feedback. I got a lot of good ideas from your comments. When I make another tutu I'll post it.


  11. it would make a super fun present. if you want a little extra, maybe you could make a wand or crown to go with it...
