Sunday, May 18, 2008

Goody Goody Gumdrop Necklaces

Here's a necklace good enough to sink your teeth into, the gumdrop necklace! While eating gumdrops today, the idea popped into my head. So, I tested it out and it worked! Love when that happens. Just think of the possibilities with all the great shapes gummy candy comes in, coke bottles, frogs, hearts, etc. This could be a fun child craft project/treat. Perhaps favors for a birthday party? Directions below.

Gummy candy
Waxed dental floss
Sterilized sewing needle

Just thread the needle and start stringing the candy however you want. The candy will stay in place because it's so sticky. To secure the necklace I just tied it in a basic knot. Here's the directions to make the flower.


  1. That's sooo cool! I was going to make me a whole lot of tea and start reading Personal Income Tax Act... and now I'm off to buy me some gumdrops. I'm no longer able to read that without some gummy sweetnes now.

  2. Genuis! I have said it before and I will say it again, you are full of brilliant ideas.

    *Off to the corner shop for some jubes now*

  3. That is adorable! It's much cuter than the old candy necklaces I remember buying as a kid. :-)

  4. haha... ah... now you will never loose your candy. :P

    Alex's World! -

  5. Eat as you go! Very cute. I wouldn't want to wear it in the rain though - a bit sticky. :)

  6. cute! of course not to wear in todays heat, 101, it would get sticky! lol!

  7. Yummy fun! And you're right...there are so many gummi possibilities. I love gummi candy!

  8. Blog hopping and found you thru Amber M very fun Blog I will be back such cute ideas

  9. Oh yeah, I remember doing that as a kid! Tried it with grapes, too, but what a mess!

  10. now that is one necklace my kids will LOVE to the max!! Thanks for the wonderful tip as I am sure they'll love making it :)

  11. thanks everyone for your comments, I always appreciate them :)

  12. this makes me want to make a necklace of my own... but I'm sure it wouldn't last long... :)

  13. Heh, take that Martha Stewart! Super cute idea, loved the tutu as well!
