Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Interview with Grover from Sesame Street

Before you watch this video I have to warn you, I look ridiculously awkward and nervous in it. I'm like some giggly teenage girl meeting Brad Pitt for the first time. Yet in reality I'm a 30 year old grown woman being interviewed by Grover, sigh.

This was taped at the BlogHer 08 Conference. There was a Sesame Street room where attendees were given the chance to be videoed with either Grover or Abby Cadabby. So really, how could I pass up such an opportunity?


  1. You are so cute! And Grover is to sweet!

  2. Not awkward or nervous at all! My kids would've absolutely shrieked with excitement if their mommy had been able to have Grover say hi to them and give a big hug! That is so awesome. What a great video to have.

  3. Oh GOODNESS! Grover! And YOU! How absolutely cute this is! What a great thing to have! You! And Grover! Sigh.

  4. Well, hey, if you felt nervous, who could blame you? I mean, that was GROVER, for pete's sake! Can you get much better known than him?

    Anyway, I thought you appeared quite comfortable, though there's no way anyone is going to believe you're a 30yo woman in that video. Sixteen, maybe!

  5. You are so cute! That is the coolest thing i've ever seen- I would LOVE to be interviewed by Grover!

  6. Let me add how cute I thought you were. What a fun thing to do. Grover is my hero. Who couldn't love that little blue thing. And a hug!! YOu rock! Glad you had fun.

  7. Let me tell you, at the sound of Grover's voice, my kids rushed the computer. That is way cool.

    Did you kids love hearing their names??

  8. are you kidding me - you were the picture of calm, cool & collected! i LOVED it & I bet your kids think you are a rock star!

  9. OMG! I am so envious! I heart Sesame Street and have a huge crush on Grover...oh and, I'm in my 30s, too. :)

  10. You look adorable and I would much rather meet Grover than Brad Pitt!

  11. You are great and so sweet!
    I bet your kids would have been so excited to see mummy with a "star" too!! :)

  12. SO CUTE! I love Grover! You are reminding me of all those old Sesame Street sketches where Grover would talk to kids. You don't seem nervous at all, though! (Now I'm wondering if maybe all those kids were actually really nervous, too!)

  13. Thank you Lisa for your comment, it was obviously the first one I read and made me feel a little better about posting the video.

    Amber - yes, my kids loved hearing their names, I think they watched it about 10 times in a row. My two year old daughter kept waving to the screen and was saying, "mommy is in the computer".

  14. this is amazing and you look totally adorable!

  15. You were perfect. How much fun!
    I am enjoying your blog.

  16. Grover was my favorite part of the conference. I think you did a great job. I've only listened to mine. I hate seeing myself on camera since I'm so much hotter in my mind. My kids love it though. It was great meeting you!

  17. Oh you look so sweet! I bet your kids went crazy huh? I'm usually a lurker, but wanted to let you know I posted your pencil scarf on my blog today and I just love your ideas! Thanks for all the great posts!

  18. I don't see any awkwardness
    at all :-) Nice video!

  19. Aww! I missed a chance to do a video, but will treasure my picture with Grover forever and ever (but I was nervous too ;)

  20. Forget Brad Pitt--GROVER is the man. :-)

  21. That was awesome! Great blog by the way!

  22. oh....that was so cute! and you were adorable!

  23. aww, you and grover are sweet together!
    thanks for sharing, really cute video.:)

  24. That is too cute for words.

    Yay for Grover.

  25. How cute was that!!! I am SO enjoying your blog! So much so that I've linked your blog on mine (which is just a bunch of boring pictures for family & friends.) I'm super jealous that you are so talented and wish I got to know you better before the school year was over. Best of luck to you! (Liz - Sofia's Mom - CVPNS AM 07/08; PM 08/09)

  26. Oh my gosh! I would have LOVED to have the opportunity to meet Grover! (my screenname "blufuzzymonster" is an homage to him)
    I am a super muppet/puppeteer geek. Was that really Frank Oz playing him too? It sure sounded like him! I would have been as awkward and giggly as a teen girl meeting Brad Pitt too!

    (I realize you posted this months ago, but I just recently found your lovely blog and have been reading through the back-entries)
