Monday, July 21, 2008

Make Guitar Picks out of Gift Cards

Last week I was out in the city(San Francisco) shopping when I came across a green guitar pick. It reminded me of the green that Starbucks uses for their logo. And at that moment it occurred to me you could probably make a guitar pick out of a gift card. I would say the gift card is roughly the same thickness as a .80mm guitar pick. This is a super easy project for even the craft challenged.

Guitar Pick
Gift Card
Heavy duty scissors (I used our Joyce Chen kitchen scissors, please don't tell my husband)
Light weight sand paper

1. Place your guitar pick on the gift card and trace around it with a pen (refer to picture).

2. Cut out with scissors. Make sure to keep your scissors at a 90 degree angle with the gift card to get a smooth cut. If your scissors are slanted when cutting the edges will be rough.

3. Sand edges of pick with a light weight sand paper.



  1. I have determined you must not be real. You must be a robot with a computer brain, 'cause there is no way on earth one person can keep coming up with new, creative ideas one after another after another! ;-Þ

  2. Wow. That is incredible!

    P.S. It was great meeting you this weekend!


  3. oh wow. You must have really good feng shui in your home to come up with idea's so easily!

    so seriously, you either need to publish a book or start a craft show!

  4. ♫ my dog has fleas ♫

  5. Hi, I've seen this on the net but don,t remenber where ,and I made some for my daughter cause she plays guitar. And she loves them. But she tells me that the card must not be too soft cause she doesn't like the pics to be too soft. They've got to be semi hard. They work best for her. But ain't that a cool idea?.

  6. Oooops forgot to tell you I'm gonna post it on my blog ok?????
    While I'm at it come check out a new meme on my blog. thanks

  7. nathalie,

    you've seen this on the net before, really? *sigh*, I thought I was the first one to come up with this idea, oh well

  8. Awesome!! Now I need to learn how to play the guitar!

  9. Neat idea. My son could use this.

  10. Wowie, wow, wow! My dd is learning how to play guitar. This is great!

    Thanks so much,

    PS I found your blog through Mary over at Owlhaven.

  11. Love the post, and love that I got a sneak preview at BlogHer! I should note that I'm writing this from Tokyo...your blog is definitely VERY kawaii!!!

    Really nice meeting you, however briefly, at BlogHer. I look forward to reading more of your ideas!


  12. That is a fabulous idea I just shared with my daughter, who seems to loose her guitar pick often. Well, maybe her little sister has something to do with that, but looks like we can make more!
