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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Japanese Craft Book Giveaway

Photos from "My Favorite Felt Sweet @2008 Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd and Joie, Inc."

I'm loving "My Favorite Felt Sweets", which I just received from Kodansha America. The first thing I noticed about the book is it's written in English. Thank you! Usually Japanese craft books are written in Japanese, go figure. It has 106 patterns that are life size (no trips to the copy store). I found the projects to be easy and inexpensive to make, which is pretty much my craft mantra.
I hand sewed this Steamed Peach Bun using one of the patterns in the book. Wouldn't this make a cute Christmas ornament or gift topper?

Photos from "My Favorite Felt Sweet @2008 Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd and Joie, Inc."

Photos from "My Favorite Felt Sweet @2008 Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd and Joie, Inc."

Here's how to win your own copy
Leave a comment at the bottom of this post no later than Friday, August 1st, 2008. Please leave a way for me to get back to you if you win(enter your email address in the comment form). The email address is only used to notify the winner, I do not save the addresses. I'll choose one winner and post their name Saturday. Good Luck!

*This contest is open to US and Canada residents only.

Contest now closed


Anonymous said...

I love these books but haven't tried them due to them being in Japanese. I'm really excited about this one!! If I win you can reach me at missmoxieatmacdotcom!! Thanks!

Janet Noe Rhoads said...

How exciting!! I would absolutely love to have this book. :) You can reach me at janetrhoads@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

Chrissy said...

That's exciting! I was actually just talking to my husband this afternoon about Japanese craft books/magazines. I'd love to get my hands on this one. :) chrissy(at)toddlebits(dot)com

Landlocked Shores said...

I must confess I am a blog lurker. I love reading your blog and often share pieces of it with my sister who lives in Japan. She recently accused me of knowing more about Japan than she does... which is not true. I just read your blog! Love that this book is in English! Huge bonus for the Crafty English speaking folks here in the states.

Mistress Meeyee said...

Count me in! I think that I could make lots of lovely things with this! I hope to win.rachel@daddyrich.net

Liz said...

Very cool.

Renna said...

I see Japanese craft books on various blogs all the time, and am always intrigued by them, but no there's no way I'd ever figure out how to do anything written in Japanese! ;-Þ How neat that this one is in English. :-)

I LOVE the peach! Wouldn't a little tabletop Christmas tree in a kitchen or dining room be adorable decorated with those?

Nappy Miss Sew 'N Sew said...

I adore Japanese craft books but do not have many in my collection, I would love to have this book! You can reach me at ponchichi(at)gmail(dot)com

Kristen said...

oh wow! in English - how did we get so lucky?!?!?!?


;) Kristen

Aurora said...

hey! i'm going to comment on this! a Japanese book written in English! was it published in Japan? of the US? just curious....since obviously the author is Japanese? but it seems it was written for the English speaking (US?) market....

mushroommeadows said...

You're right! cheap + beautiful = best crafts ever! :)

You're really super; you know that right? :)

mushroommeadows@gmail.com (just in case I'm lucky) :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! more and more books are being published in english! How cool is that! Nancy. My e-mail is:

Erika said...

I've been wanting to try out the adorable felt food for a long time. I would absolutely love to win! My email is erikahigley@gmail.com

greetingarts said...

Very cool book, how exciting that it's in English, too. Thanks for a chance to win, my kids can't get enough of the felt food! You did an amazing job on that Peach Bun, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Those are so adorable... I'd love to make a bunch to decorate my kitchen windowsill. Combining crafts AND baking is awesome! You can find me at lwelkey85(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Unknown said...

The peach bun is also known as longevity bun for the chinese :D

Jen said...

love your blog- very inspiring. I've been wanting so sew some felt food for a while...

June (planetjune) said...

So cute! I especially love the sliced banana and whipped cream from the front cover.

Neus said...

I've been wanting to buy that book for ever, put the Japanese held me back. In English, well, that's a different story. neushg dot correo at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

I love those little things.
jecstephenson(at)rogers(dot)com Thanks!!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I've been envying the Japanese craft books for a long time now. Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway.

Heidi K. Rettig said...

The Japanese never held me back but the trip to the copy store did! Out here in Montana that's kind of a drive. I love your steamed bun!! buddycrenshaw(at)hotmail.com

Angie said...

ooh.... what a great use for felt :)


Amy said...

I've seen these and have always wanted to try my hand at making a few. This would be a perfect way to start! Great give-away!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I would love to try some of these projects!

Unknown said...

This would be a fun summer project for me while I'm not teaching! :) Thanks!


Heather said...

I love crafts.

Amber M. said...

Darling. Great. Another obsession in the making.:-)

Panjo Kids said...

Beautiful! I just finished my first felt food project- chocolate chip cookies. I'm ready to move on to somehting a bit more complex. Great giveaway!

Panjo Kids said...

Drat, I forgot to leave my email address! ellie_purvis at yahoo dot com

Kimberly said...

Are those not the cutest things!!!! They look like a lot of fun to make and maybe something my kids could make with me? I think my younger nieces and nephews would love to use these as play foods. Imagine how much fun tea parties with the kids would be with these cute little goodies on the table.

Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Molly said...

I've never tried working with felt before, but these look so adorable!
momabr at yahoo dot com

Nanna said...

These are beautiful and so realistic! Nice work.

Shelli said...

I actually belong to a group of women who make felt food, and auction them off on e-bay. The money we collect goes into a "kitty" that helps fund infertility treatments for other women.

This book would be INVALUABLE!

saderman at gmail

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win!!!

Anonymous said...

Who knew what you could do with felt?


Anonymous said...

I just love Japanese craft books, but never have ordered one. It's amazing what can be done with felt. I'm glad to hear that some of them are in English. Thanks for the chance to win one.



Rachael Hutchings said...

I would love to see how a Japanese craft book works in English!

Giulianna @ Family Blueprint said...

I would love this book for my teenage daughter. She is very creative and loves to try new things. She is also very fond of anything from the Japanese culture.

Thank you for this opportunity and blessings to you!


Anonymous said...

This would be great! My nieces and nephews are big on fake food right now, for their kitchen sets, so I'd love to make some of these for them.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

How about a wreath decorated with these for the kitchen? Love that it is in English. Thanks, Becky

Alice H said...

What an unusual book - really cool looking. Thanks for the chance! afdr3d@umkc.edu

Anonymous said...

Oh please count me in! It looks fabulous!

SkiptomyLou said...

Oh I would love this! Thanks so much for offering it!

Anonymous said...

Also delurking to say count me in! xilerui[at]hotmail.com

And I love all the pictures - thanks for all the hard work. :)

Miss Spoken said...

Great book!!

Marr Williams said...

I just found your blog and at the perfect time it appears! I would love this book. Great blog. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


I love it. Great book.

Erin M said...

oooo these look like fun projects!

fidgetblogs at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

OOOH- i need these book!! english? that's amazing!! i get a little frustrated trying to figure stuff out in my other japanese books. thanks for the contest!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Just lovely. Please count me in.

Jenn S. said...

I love anything crafty. This looks like a lot of fun!

Reiza said...

I became addicted to making felt food last year. Much of what I learned is from what I could figure out from scans of Japanese craft books online. This looks amazing and it's actually in a language I know. :-) I'd love a chance to win this.

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

what a fun book! thanks for a chance to win! and thanks for the idea on the train cake pan! the party was a hot on sunday! I'll post pic's after his actual B-day on Wed/july 30th!

Anonymous said...

Oh coooool! I've never ever seen a book like this before! This looks awesome and I'd LOVE to win it! Thanks so much for the chance! And by the way, I love love love your website!


toasters lie said...


louiseb130 said...

Great book...count me in!

kygirl said...

Thats a neat book.

danosor said...

Oh how i'd love to win this.Let me count the ways.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese have a knack for making food look bazaar and beautiful at the same time.

The close as I've been to this type of crafted cuisine was a little grocery shop in Beijing back in 1999. Well before the Anime/culture explosion.

Anonymous said...

Those are just too friggin' adorable!


catchat105 said...

That is too cute! Very mouthwatering; reminds me of sweets I've seen in the dessert shop at our local Mitsuwa Japanese supermarket!


Anonymous said...

Those are so cute! I am a big fan of things that look like food but aren't. I would love to make those projects! Thanks for the giveaway!

jenny said...

oh how cute i love to win this so i too can make some of them for my little one thay are realy sweet thanks

mverno said...


dwarzel said...

Count me in!

Kathy said...


demmi said...

i would love this book con5459@gmail.com

homemade by jill said...

Bonus that it is in english! I love making felt food - it is an instantly satisfying craft.


ky2here said...

I want to see some stoner pick one up and try to eat it.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

thanks for the contest


Please enter me in this giveaway. Thank you!

Michelle T said...

Oh, this is so up my alley! I love crafts, and my kids love playing with pretend food. They can be chefs and waiters and dishwashers...the would love this.

Anonymous said...

What a great book! I love the little banana piece on one of the treats. Thanks for the chance to win! www.kccpets.com click on contact

Anonymous said...

Wow! I sooo want to make these projects. Thanks for the giveaway.

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

How Awesome!! I would love to do those crafts with my girls. I always get such great ideas from your blog. You can reach me at cwalkleyatgmaildotcom!

Annie1 said...

Oh, this book looks like it could keep me busy for a long long time! Everything looks so adorable; I'd love to win!

Great giveaway, thanks.


Aisling said...

Wow - what teriffic projects! I'd love to have this book and make a few of those marvelous treats.

AndreaLea said...

The hanabira-mochi (#58) is so cute! As is your steamed peach bun. ♥

Unknown said...

My youngest step daughter would go nuts over this book. She loves Japanese items and crafts.

Amy said...

What a great book! I have been interested in making some felt food for some of the children in my family for some time now. You did a wonderful job on the peach. Thanks for the giveaway!


ezmerelda said...

How fun. I would love to try this craft out. It looks like something I could do.

Kelly H said...

Good idea these would make cute Christmas ornaments.

Tonya said...

Oh, how cool that the patterns are life size! I hate having to enlarge patterns. I would love to win this book. The projects are adorable!


Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

moxie -a-t- weareallangry -d-o-t- com

Anonymous said...

What a great find. I sometimes buy the Japanese books and try to figure out the directions by looking at the photos! Thanks for telling us about it!

Karen kakimoto@pacbell.net

kathy55439 said...

Would be great for the kids I do crafts with at Free Arts MN

Way Out Wear said...

oh how nice of you! I so adore these books.
my email is englanddeniseathotmail dotcom

wayfarer said...

I've always wanted to try some japanese felt food projects. Love your blog btw. Just found it and really enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I think my kids and I would have fun making up some of these goodies.

Anonymous said...

Wow they look almost good enought to eat. I hope one day to make something so creative! Thanks. Charlotte

rengawk said...

Now where to buy the wonderful high quality felt to make such beauties?

My contact into is my username at gmail.com ^^

Anonymous said...

I love this book. I could really see me making these items!

whitten100 (at) Yahoo . com

missleeann said...

So, I'm adding my name to this little contest! I'm usually a lurker, but I'll undo this. I'd love to make little tofu buns and blocks with this book! Haha.


Anonymous said...

i love crafts, just not good at them. enter me anyway
kadia3 at yahoo dot com

Mary512 said...

Great giveaway, thanks so much! hellomary018 at yahoo dot com

CJW's folks said...

I'm crafty girl! I recently got another japanese crafting book for making animals out of wool gloves - in japanese, but too cute not to pick it up. I'm now on the lookout for more cute craft books from japan.

Unknown said...

What a nice idea. My kids will love them

pomly said...

Mouth watering is right! I want to eat them all!

Anonymous said...

Oh adorable!!
I would love to win this crafty book!
Thanks so much and ...I've seen you somewhere...!

Anonymous said...

My very crafty 16 year old daughter would absolutely LOVE to have this book!

Kari said...

Those are so cute and sweet and oh..I just think they are great!! My daughter is my artsy girly and would really dig this, I know she would!!

toughturtles said...

very cool you can do some really fun projects

Rebecca A. said...

I really love reading your blog. You have the cutest craft ideas. :) I'm over at mavmouse at gmail.com.

mmat said...



rock on!

Anonymous said...

Would love to try and make these!


Anonymous said...

Japanese Craft Books are so much fun..I dream of just going on a crazy shopping expedition to buy all the books in Japan and fill up a whole airplane. Hah..
Hey, the contest ends on my birthday. wheee!


Genevieve P said...

Wonderful book!
parknj at basicisp dot net

sweetsue said...

This would be fun to try, my projects never turn out, but it would still be fun!

Smooshy said...

enter me!

Steph said...

The book looks like it has some great crafts to try. Count me in to win it!

Sunnyvale said...

What a neat kitchen display this would be.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Count me in! Great blog, by the way. klucking@fairpoint.net

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have just begun learning how to make crafts out of ribbons, and this unique craft caught my attention! They are cute and wonderful!! Thank you for the contest!
Sharon Harmon :)

Christina Joy said...

I was JUST looking at this book the other day at the bookstore! Yes the projects inside are incredibly cute, and YES I would love to add this little number to my library... :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win this so that I can make them for my kids.

Unknown said...

Hi! I just bought a Japanese embroidery book when I was in NYC because I think that is the only one that I could just look at and copy without really needing the instructions (so MANY cute craft books at Kinokuniya!). If I am chosen, please email me at gracedleeATgmailDOTcom. Thanks!

Janell said...

I love the peach you made! My dad is Japanese and I would love to give him a little set for his mantle as a reminder of home (we live in the states). You can reach me at jnellyoatgmaildotcom. Thanks for the giveaway! I love reading your blog!

Mary A said...

I have just started making softies using felt. They are so much fun to make and my LO likes to play with them too. Thanks for the giveaway.

melonkelli said...

What an awesome prize! I love Japanese craft books -- it would be fun to make these felt sweets!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun craft to try!


Anonymous said...

I've been eyeing a book like this for so long... and this one is in English? This is fantastic! Crossing my finger I win.

redron said...

looks like something I would like doing

bunbun said...

OohOohOoh!!! Please enter me in the contest!!!!
My email is:


jo1brat said...

I have never seen these before they are so cute I want to win the book

Sharon said...

Oh how I would LOVE to win this...thanks so much!

Sharon said...

oops...if I win, please let me know at

Anonymous said...

Those treats look good enough to eat, but the thought of biting felt gives me the heebie jeebies!


MaMa said...

Never a reason to diet with this book! I love it! Please enter me, thanks for hosting.

mistyfuji [at] yahoo [dot] com

Bunny said...

OOh these little sweets would make great x-mas gifts for my little girl. she likes to have tea parties. crossing my fingers.

Karen said...

I bet this craft book rocks, thanks for the contest.

Anonymous said...

How cool is this book! My daughter and I would have lots of fun with this.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

my daughter would love this! mysticalguacamole@gmail.com

Shar said...

This book looks so cute! Thanks for sharing this post! :) It's the first time I heard of it.

My e-mail if I win is:
mmmfruit at hotmail dot com

Mandi @ Life Your Way said...

Oh, how cute!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog and find it inspiring. I have tried some of your projects and recipes. Thanks for bringing Japanese arts, crafts and cuisine to a wider audience.

Who wouldn't want to win the "kyuuto" felt craft book?

Erin- foodforthoughtutah@mac.com

P.S.- I'll have to send you the recipe for ichigo daifuku - a strawberry covered in "an" and wrapped in microwave mochi. "Oishii da yo"

pitaharmon said...

My mom should be a librarian-she has every craft book in the world but this one. I need to give it to her because she could use a nice surprise these days.....

littlelatina said...

My family could have so much fun together creating these crafty felts together

Heather B said...

wow these look like lots of fun, somethign my daughter and I woudl really enojy doing together

Kiki said...

those would absolutely make great ornaments! thank you so much for sharing!

Karrie said...

my daughter would go crazy over this :)

Laura Bray said...

I would love to win-so cute! laura(at)katydid-designs(dot)com

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. thanks for the entry. angel_2417@yahoo.com

purplepassion126 said...

Wow! This is very unique and something that I would love to try.

kananee said...

These look too good! My kids will end up eating them!

lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com

Knead a Latte - Ruby said...

This is so cute! I would love to learn how to make these!

Renee G said...

This looks like fun.

rsgrandinetti @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

I collect books like this.
I'm also a big fan of the Aranzi Aranzo Japanese craft books like The Cute Book.

I would be ecstatic to win this as I am obsessed with everythign kawaii and Japanese.
Thank you for the contest.

Bakersdozen said...

I love these books. This would be a fun family project. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

These are so adorable. I would love to try making them.


artmarcia said...

So cute! I would love to try making these felt replicas!

Anonymous said...

felt oragami

Hetal said...

I would love to try them.


boba said...

That's awesome! My sister would love this book since she's into all things Japanese. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the Tweet Expressions.

Jayfr said...

This looks very interesting.

Anonymous said...

What a great book. I work with children and love doing crafting activities. What a great prize!!! Thank you!

Stephanie said...

Wow, those are adorable! Would love to know how to make them :)

klp1965 said...


masonsgranny59 said...

ty 4 the great contest!

Anonymous said...

I am excited about this book. I need to get started on a whole smorgasboard of food goodies for my grandkids!

Anonymous said...

This book has such cute crafts. I would LOVE to win it.

Stacy said...

This book looks really cool.

Princess Golden Hair said...

wow now that's talent. I would love a copy of this book.

mrstrooper said...

This would be something cool to do with my daughter's Brownies Troop!

Donna said...

They look cute.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. garrettsambo@aol.com

Anonymous said...

This is really interesting. I have never seen anything like it. Felt!!!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome giveaway!

zakkalife said...

Alexis from the site Not Sew Crafty won the the Japanese Craft Book! Congratulations! I used a random number generator to pick the winner.

I'm posting the winner here because my blog has currently been locked down by Blogger. I can't post anything until it's unlocked. It should be up and running sometime next week.

Thanks to everyone for entering! I enjoyed reading all of your comments.


Jenny, the Bloggess said...

That is the coolest thing ever.
Awesomeness squared.

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