Get about 5 clovers in similar size and color. Pick off all the leaves. Find four leaves that are the most asymmetrical and similar in color/size. On a piece of clear contact paper place the leaves in the shape of a four leaf clover (there will be some overlapping). Place a second piece of clear contact paper on top of the clover to seal it. Trim the piece into desired shape (I cut a circle). Now you have a fun little lucky charm for St. Patrick's Day.
*Because the picture is a close up, you can see the gap in the center. Looking at it in person, you can't see it. Honestly, the four leaf clover looks better in person.
*If you don't have contact paper, clear packaging tape would probably work just as well.
So clever! I can't wait to try it!
I used to always search for 4 leaf clovers when I was a child in N.C. Here in west Texas there is no such thing. :(
Oh my gosh!....I thought I was the only weird kid that ever did that!
I never thought of this! I spent my entire waking childhood searching for 4 leafed clover too!!
I wish I knew you sooner!
Happy St Patricks day!
This is great! I love it so much, that I referenced this link on today's post in my blog! I love your ideas!
This is very cute! You come up with such nice projects! I always love looking at your blog :)
What a great idea! I too spent so much time looking for clovers I never found. I love this! Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
I think some people jsut have a knack for it; I find them all the time without really looking--at least a dozen each Summer. Might be hereditary, too. Lol
Nice idea; it looks great! I might just do that with mine because I usually dry them and then don't really have anywhere to put them, and usually a leaf or two ends up getting torn off. :(
cute idea. I found one 4 leaf clover when I was a child (and lived in Germany). I was soooooooo excited. Never found another one!
Nice idea! I have NEVER found one. Growing up, I had a friend that could always find one - but me - never.
I wonder if the made up one still have that magical "lucky" power?
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