DH (Dear Husband)
Me: Where are the orange soccer cones?
DH: In the trunk of the car, I'm afraid to ask why?
Me: I need them for a post? How much did they cost?
DH: You're not going to ruin them are you? I need them for soccer practice.
Me: How much did they cost?
DH: One or two dollars each, why?
Me: I'm going to make one into a giant candy corn.
DH: (Silence)
Me: What?
DH: I knew I didn't want to know.
I'm afraid this is what one has to deal with when they're married to me. And I can't say this is the first time I've confiscated an item for a craft project. A few Halloweens back, I dyed one of his white dress shirts yellow to make a Curious George costume. I'm sure there's been other incidents but I just can't seem to remember them. Oh well.
Plastic Orange Cones - can be found at your local sports good store
Yellow & White Acrylic Paint
Foam Brushes
1. Paint the top of the cone white and the bottom of the cone yellow. Yep, it's that easy. If you want the lines to be perfect and clean, you can mark off the sections with painter's tape.
2. For each color paint 3 or 4 coats on the cones. Let dry about 10 minutes in between each coat.
*Optional - to prevent risk of the paint scratching off, coat with clear acrylic spray.

I was so glad to read your post aloud to my husband. He needs to know that others suffer from crafty wife syndrome. What a great idea!
OMG Soooo funny! I too share in the delight of confiscating goods from my Mr. :D Such a crafty idea. I love your candy cone!
What a delightful and fantastic idea!
I especially love the idea of putting a light inside so you can see them at night. But will the colors show up properly? Won't it all look kind of orange, and just a bit darker (because paint isn't opaque) on the top and bottom?
*is opaque
If we did halloween on my street i would do this. ( Live rural)
This is an aweseome Idea! Your story made me laugh.
Hahaha! I love everything about this post. I would love to see glowing candy corns lining your sidewalk! Please post pics if that's what you decide to do!
LOL! That sounds JUST like a conversation between The Hubbums and I! HA! I love it! And your son is saying 'dude' because he is wicked crazy cool. Just say'n.
Great post! Love the project!
dude could mean like cool mom! haha
Awesome! What a great idea!
Too cute!!
HAHAHAHA The conversation is soooo funny!
hahaha! your conversation with your husband is so funny!
hahaha!!! i loved reading about your conversation :P so funny!
I would have never thought of doing anything like this! It REALLY does look like a HUGE candy corn!!!
Lining them up your walkway...what a GREAT IDEA!!!
I love this! As I was reading I was envisioning giant candy corn lining out walkway! Great Idea!
Darling Idea!
HAHAHAHAAAAAA! I needed something bright to decorate the end of the driveway at the house where I will be holding my Halloween wedding! This is perfect and I can "Borrow" the cones we have at my library. I don't think it will matter if they look like giant candy corn or not! PERFECT. I can put two of them at the end of the driveway and tell people to look for the giant Candy Corn! Many thanks!!
Jessica, you've outdone yourself. I gotta get me some orange cones. Pronto.
Cute, cute, CUTE. We were going to buy some cones for the kids to ride slalom w/ their bikes -- now I know just how to jazz them up!
i like when you include dialogue in your posts...makes me laugh. =oD great idea for lining the walkway on halloween. or maybe our church could use it at harvest festival.
I love this! It would make me SOOO happy if I saw this in real life. Way fun. =) I'll be linking.
OMG, I LOVE this. So adorable :)
Dude, I'm totally going to do this!
this is such a great idea! I can't wait to go find some cones on Monday!
I also can't to try some with lights inside!
That's so cute, and has the hallmarks of an awesome idea: easy, cheap, and brilliant. Also, I totally loved the convo with your husband... I have had the equivalent with my husband (and he gets me back by making "dollar store crafts" like recycled milk jugs tied into a "garland" with strips of his old t-shirt that I tore up for a project).
so cute! My kids are Halloween freaks!! they will LOVE this!
ADORABLE! Thanks for posting this! Your DH sounds alot like mine, heehee
Oh how I love this craft. I know what I am doing tonight! Thanks for sharing.
PS...my husband also suffers from Crafty Wife Syndrome. Tee hee...I like that term, Kristin (Comment #1).
I love this and I just want to say...good job to all of us for putting up with NON-CRAFTY HUSBAND SYNDROME! Because obviously that traffic cone wanted to be a candy corn.
Love it! This will be featured in the candy corn categorically crafting on somedaycrafts.blogspot.com on the 30th
Oh my gosh, what a genius idea. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing. My son's preschool teacher is looking for decorations and now I know what I can easily make for them. So fun!
I especially love the idea of putting a light inside so you can see them at night. But will the colors show up properly? Won't it all look kind of orange, and just a bit darker (because paint isn't opaque) on the top and bottom?
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