Thing 1 & Thing 2 Peg People
A glimpse into my crafty crazy mind:
looking at clothespin "peg person"
looking at pom pom "looks like hair"
placed pom pom on top of clothespin "looks like clown hair"
"gasp, it looks like thing1 & thing 2!"
Yep, that pretty much sums it up. So if you would like to make a Thing 1 & Thing 2 set of your own, simple directions below.
Blue pom poms
Wood clothespins or wood peg people - both are inexpensive and can be found at the craft store
Red & white acrylic paint or paint markers - I actually used both for this project but not necessary
Paint brush
Black fine point pen - I used a Micron 03
Acrylic Gloss

If using a clothespin, you'll want to saw off the bottom it so it will stand on it's own. To prevent the clothespins from falling over when painted, place a folded index card in the slot of the clothespin (refer to picture). Paint head, neck and circle on stomach with white paint. You'll want to do 2 or 3 coats so it's opaque.

Once the paint is completely dry, add the details. I used a fine point pen to draw the face and stomach details. I've made a lot of peg people and I've found this method works best over using black paint. Let dry for at least a half hour. Apply 2 coats of acrylic gloss.

I LOVE these! I need to make them now! I love your blog, will be back Saturday to check out what you're up to! ;)
These are so funny!!! Where did you get those pom poms from? :P
I love Dr. Seuss :)
Thanks for sharing this tutorial <3
very nice! the teacher side of me especially likes it. =o)
I love Dr Seuss!! And I cracked up reading how your creative mind works. It happens to me all the time too!!
Oh my gosh, you did a great job, those are *so* totally Thing 1 and Thing 2! And that's just how a crafter's mind works... the synapses just jump like that, there's no cure for it.
These are so cute! I grew up with Dr. Seuss like so many other people!
That is SUPER cute!
omggggggg these are soooo cute ^_^
oh my oh my oh my
very adorable project!!!
Oh man, I love Thing 1 and Thing 2. Awesome project!
I love Thing 1 and Thing 2!
I've given you an award on my blog!
Thank you for all of your ideas!
Too funny!
These are SO incredibly fabulous. The hair is amazing! I love them so much. I know a few people looking for Seuss themed ideas for baby showers, I'll be linking to this. You're so creative!
Oh, how cute and funny. Great project idea. Thanks for sharing.
I love these.
Just darling! How about a one fish two fish red fish blue fish??
I love these! You could make them with cotton candy and make them edible somehow... licorice bodies maybe?!
These are super cute! Thanks for sharing, you give me lots of great ideas
These are great! I always appreciate a clever use of pom poms. :)
crazily creative!
hahaha! what a hoot! gotta love these THINGS!
These are adorable! You know, my mom still has clothes pin X-Mas ornaments that my brothers made in the 60s!
I love it! They are super cute!!
Thanks for sharing :D
So so so great! I love how your brain works! I too have those kinds of conversations with my other half!! And I'm happy to say that I've rubbed off onto my son, he's the one coming up with lots of crazy crafty ideas!
These are so sweet. I'm linking from CROQzine.com. Thanks!
LOVE these. Have to try them for Suess' birthday... If I attempt them, I'll post on my blog! THANKS for sharing this!!!
Fun idea!
Stop by my blog to enter to win a pair of sassy boots!
okay, finally tried it!
blogged at: www.emjayandme.blogspot.com
this is too cute!! how creative of you!
I found myself writing a blog entry and referring to "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" and of course it reminded me of Dr. Seuss! I had to see what I might find if I did a search. I landed right on your blog!
I hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to have to include a link to this posting! Too good to pass up!
Thanks much!
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