I got a chance to interview Rashida for her book tour. Here's what she had to say:
Rashida: I'm a married stay at home mommy of two under 3 with another on the way (He's due February 27 th). That's me in a nutshell! I started to sew when I was about 12 years old. My mother sat me down in front of the machine one Summer and taught me how to sew. I remember going with her to Joann's for the first time. She made me pick out a pattern, fabric, and notions. It was the ugliest jumpsuit ever, but I was so proud that I had made it! I was hooked and ended up studying Fashion Design at FIT in New York, where my sewing skills became a little more refined.
What does the word "Zakka" mean to you?
Rashida:I think the term 'Zakka' has evolved so much over the years since it's popularity has grown here in the US. I see Zakka as more of an aesthetic than an actual object. The styling, the fabric combination, and embellishments all help to make handmade Zakka a functional yet pleasing to look at item.What was your inspiration for "I Love Patchwork" ?
Rashida: My work is hugely influenced and inspired by the Japanese Sewing Books that have become so popular. I've collected quite a few. The designs in these books are amazing and every detail is well thought out and beautifully executed. I wanted 'I Love Patchwork' to be a sort of 'Japanese' sewing book, but in English. What is your favorite project in the book and why?
Rashida: The button calendar has to be my absolute favorite. As I mentioned in the book, the idea came to me in the middle of the night and I had to jump out of bed and start making it right away. I'm not a fan of making things that will just collect dust. I like everything to be useful in some way. I love that you can use the calendar over and over again. If you get tired of the colors, just whip up a new one! It's also a great project for using up some of those scraps we all have stashed away.
Is there anything else you want people to know about, "I Love Patchwork".Rashida: 'I Love Patchwork' is all about self expression. Have fun with it! Play with color combinations, prints, linen, don't be afraid to experiment to come up with beautiful and innovative designs for your projects. Buy the book and you'll see!
Monday, December 21:
Meg on Craftsanity (podcast interview)
Rashida on Craft Critique (interview and book review)
Book Tour Schedule
Monday, December 21:
Meg on Craftsanity (podcast interview)
Rashida on Craft Critique (interview and book review)
Tuesday, December 22:
Rashida on all buttoned up (interview)
Wednesday, December 23:
Meg on maya*made (interview)
Thursday, December 24:
Designer-to-Designer: Rashida and Meg interview each other on http://www.sewliberated.typepad.com and http://www.iheartlinen.typepad.com
I've asked Santa for a copy of Rashida's book for Christmas. It's a good thing I didn't see the button calendar before I made my list because I would have scooted right over and bought it myself! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Thank you for doing this wonderful interview. And thank you, Rashida, for sharing your creativity with all of us.
Very very love. That's a lot of work and creative.
Merry Christmas!
I'm so impressed with everything shown here most especially the calendar!
Wow. The button calendar is beautiful!
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