It's all in the packaging, as they say. Items you might normally pay a couple dollars for are now five to ten dollars simply because of the Christmas wrapping. Avoid these money wasters by making your own fabulous stocking stuffers. Here's the how to.
Supplies:Plastic ornament balls - you can find these at most craft stores. cost .50 - $2
Double sided tape or Glue dots
The gift - you can use small candies, sample size cosmetics, hair accessories, etc. Two good resources for free samples are
Freebies 4 Mom and
Deal Seeking Mom.
*optional - tinsel or confetti

This is what the plastic ball ornaments look like. They come in all kinds of different colors, shapes and sizes.

Cut a large size square of cellophane and stuff it into one of the ornament halves.

Add double sided tape to the back of the gift and place it in the center of the cellophane. Scrunch the rest of the cellophane in the ornament along the sides of the item like a nest. Add a little tinsel or confetti along the sides for sparkle. Attach the other half to make the ball ornament. If you find your gift is moving around in the ball, add more cellophane.

Finish the stocking stuffer with some decorative ribbon. If you're concerned about the ornament opening up, just add a little tape at the bottom.
*These are good gifts for tween girls to make and give to friends.
*Reuse - save plastic ornaments for next year
Thank you for the fantastic idea! :)
I love you.
Your ideas are ALWAYS so great!! This one is DEFINITELY a good one for my work peoples!! YAY!!!
I'm so glad I came across your blog a couple of months ago!!
If i have some cute ideas for crafts - can i send them to you?
Great idea!
Oh, totally! I remember Victoria's Secret selling pajama or panty sets in plastic ornaments like this, great idea especially if you reuse the globe.
wonderfull idea!
That is a cute idea!
I got a link for you first from How about Orange from felt o rama that had a pattern of the adorable bird/cage ornament. I made two! They turned out so cute!
Thanks for such a cute pattern.
The second one I made I changed it just a little in honor of a sun conure we had.
LOVE the pattern!
I put links to the sources of the patterns.
Yeah! Nice idea - packaging is so important - it might make the difference for people who aren't sure about giving their handmade items... the packaging might give them that sophistication factor.
save the earth, reuse!
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