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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Upcycle Envelopes into Envelopes

I recently won this Decole envelope template from Yozocraft over on Sweet Tidings (another favorite blog of mine). And I've got to say, it has to be one of the best things I've ever won. It's by Decole and it's crafty, what's not to love? So like a child with a new toy, I instantly started playing with it. I decided to test it out on some security envelopes I salvaged. Below are a couple pictures of the results.

To make your own envelopes you will need, a template, security envelopes, scissors, and a glue stick. If you don't have a template, there's a lot of free envelope templates online. You can also unfold an envelope you already have and use that as your template.

1. Cut open your used security envelope so it's a flat piece of paper. Trace template on the envelope. Cut out. It should look something like the picture above.

2. Fold into an envelope and glue together with a glue stick. Glue sticks work best because they won't make the paper wrinkle. Liquid glue tends to make paper pucker.

I played around with security envelopes with address windows. Above I stuffed a $20 dollar bill in the envelope. I like the idea of someone getting a little sneak peak of their gift. These money envelopes are the perfect size for gift cards too.


craftydill said...

I love your envelope template and the envelopes you made! I'm definitely going to have to check out Yozocraft...

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

what a super fantastic great idea! I have a plastic template of the same... might also work well will trader joes brown bags too!

Amy V. said...

Those are incredibly cool!

angelina said...

great idea!

juliecache said...

wowza on the paper selection (clever) and the template you won.

ILikePaperCutting said...

like your ideas with the open window envelope. I recently read a book about crafts with used envelopes. I will make some to share.

ILikePaperCutting said...

can you share with us the envelope template?

biancifiore said...

very nice!

Christy クリスティ said...

Yay! I'm so glad you enjoy your giveaway prize! Your envelope tutorial is just darling!

Wendy said...

wow, how fun!!
Try calendar pages, too. We always recycle our old ones this way. :-)

Lisa U said...

I *just* bought envelope templates from the MUJI store when I was in Tokyo! I love your use of the address window

Ayie said...

it's unique, also so sweet of your husband!

Candy Bello said...

how beautiful! I love the secret window!


Sibelin Hobi Dünyası ... said...

a great idea, thanks, I will as soon as possible too... :)

.girl ferment. said...

they look great!
much nicer when the pattern is on the outside

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